ISSRT unveils research award winners, new scholarship

The International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) has announced the winners of its 2012 research awards.

Dr. Shaaron Pratt, radiography lecturer at Cardiff University in the U.K., received an award for a survey of the information management and technology knowledge, skills, and training needs of the international radiography workforce.

The other winners are Anson Cheung, Edward Wong, Charles Chan, and Christopher Lai, all from Hong Kong. Their research was an iterative reconstruction projection method approach to justify the application of Bismuth eye shield during a nonhelical CT brain exam.

Also, ISRRT has established a new scholarship for a radiographer who attended an ISRRT workshop in 2011. The Peter Lloyd Scholarship was established to honor radiographer Peter Lloyd, who worked in England and Australia. The deadline to apply for this year's scholarship is 1 October 2012.

In other news, the organization announced that it has updated its website,

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