John Brosky[email protected]Industry NewsGE's robotic C-arm for intervention prepares for actionPARIS - GE Healthcare opened the doors of its development lab yesterday to unveil the first production model of the Discovery IGS 730 interventional radiology system. The first units are due to begin shipping by September, and the company expects to produce 50 machines in the first year.March 15, 2012Clinical NewsBreast MRI displays viability for new indicationsWhen participants at a European Society of Breast Imaging training course were presented with a case study and asked to provide their first-line assessment, the instant poll revealed the challenge of changing clinical practice for assessing whether a patient complaint of nipple discharge is symptomatic of cancer.March 12, 2012Clinical NewsGilbert casts doubt on breast MRI use to monitor recurrenceVIENNA - Although MRI is the most sensitive modality, it is not justified as a surveillance tool for women who have previously had breast cancer, Dr. Fiona Gilbert told participants at last week's meeting organized by the European Society of Breast Imaging.March 8, 2012ConferencePolitics blocks widespread use of breast MRI for implantsVIENNA - In the region served by the Ribera public hospital, around 10,000 women have received defective Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) implants, a population that would quickly overwhelm the radiology service if MRI examinations were authorized, according to Dr. Julia Camps Herrero, head of radiology at the center in Alzira, Valencia, Spain.March 6, 2012Conference3T MRI opens new avenues for breast cancer diagnosisVIENNA - It's early days, but the power of high-field imaging is going to push the limits of what radiologists believe is possible in breast MRI, noted Dr. Thomas Helbich, vice chair of radiology at the Medical University of Vienna, in a pre-European Congress of Radiology meeting.February 28, 2012Clinical NewsJFR: La téléradiologie est 'un train devenu fou' pour les médecins français14 novembre 2011 -- PARIS - Alors que tous les efforts sont mis en oeuvre pour accélérer le développement de réseaux de téléradiologie et augmenter la rapidité de la connexion entre les images médicales et les experts chargés de leur interprétation, des praticiens hospitaliers, submergés de requêtes, souhaitent faire une pause, a révélé une séance des JFR 2011.November 13, 2011Clinical NewsJFR: Un groupe de travail de la SFR aux prises avec la sécurité sanitaire des agents de contraste en IRM7 novembre 2011 -- PARIS - Les radiologues accueilleraient volontiers un consensus sur les risques liés à l'utilisation des agents de contraste à base de gadolinium pour la santé des patients. Or les recommandations publiées par l'Agence européenne du médicament de 2010 en font s'interroger plus d'un sur la manière d'imager les patients tout en réduisant le risque de fibrose systémique néphrogénique, ont constaté des experts lors des JFR 2011.November 6, 2011ConferenceJFR: French doctors liken teleradiology to runaway trainPARIS - While everyone else is trying to fast-forward teleradiology networks and increase speed in connecting medical imaging with expert readers, some hospital doctors at the sharp end are looking to hit the pause button. They even liken teleconsultations to a runaway train and want to regain control of the process.November 3, 2011Clinical NewsJFR: L'autopsie virtuelle progresse vers le statut de sous-spécialité3 novembre 2011 -- PARIS - Malgréson rôle thérapeutique vital, la radiologie n'est peut-être jamais si populaire que quand elle s'exerce auprès des morts, en partie grâce à l'engouement pour des thrillers centrés sur la résolution de crimes par examen post mortem, selon une présentation donnée lors des JFR 2011.November 2, 2011ConferenceJFR: Imaging progresses in tracking acupuncturePARIS - Many Western studies of the effects of acupuncture seem to be missing the point, looking for on-or-off effects caused by inserting the long needles used in this traditional Chinese medical practice. But functional MRI is now making progress in this area.November 1, 2011Page 1 of 5Next PageTop StoriesMedical, Legal, and PracticeU.K. radiologist receives suspended sentenceA senior radiologist from a top U.K. cancer hospital has received an eight-week sentence suspended for 12 months for an illicit sexual encounter on a train. He now faces a General Medical Council investigation.ECR 2025Video from ECR: What's up with Paul Parizel?ECR 2025MRI departments can limit water pollution, be more energy-efficientECR 2025Philips showcases AI, MRI, and informatics upgrades at ECR 2025ECR 2025Embolization procedure reduces hip pain in osteoarthritis patients