Women's Imaging Insider

Dear Women's Imaging Insider,

MRI is proving to be of increasing importance in breast imaging and screening, but a widespread lack of capacity remains an overriding concern across Europe.

Dutch researchers have addressed this problem by looking closely at how to optimize patient throughput and workflow. They presented their findings and analysis at the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) annual meeting held in Valencia, Spain. Find out more in the Women's Imaging Community.

In another report from EUSOBI 2023, you can read about how radiologists at University College Hospital in London approach the imaging of breast implant ruptures. They're convinced that ultrasound has a role to play in these cases when the equipment is used appropriately.

Predicting fetal birth weight has generally been a calculated guess in the past, but as is happening in so many spheres of life, AI is assisting here. A group from the University of Amsterdam has described their preferred method. Don't miss our news report posted today.

How exactly can low-dose CT screening help in the diagnosis of lung cancer in women? A French trial aims to answer this question. At the national congress of radiology Journées Francophones de Radiologie (JFR), Prof. Marie-Pierre Revel, past president of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging, spoke about the progress made so far.

VIDI is a French network of over 1,000 independent radiologists established in 2017. In another report from JFR, you can read about why the organization is urging its members to invest in new technology, including mammography systems.

This letter has highlighted several of the many articles posted over the past month or so in the Women's Imaging Community. Please take a close look at the full list below, and feel free to contact me if you have ideas for future coverage.

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