Women's Imaging Insider

Dear Women's Imaging Insider,

Many women who have the three most common gynecological malignancies -- cervical, endometrial, and ovarian -- are under the age of 40. This means it's vital to select the most appropriate candidates for fertility-sparing treatment, and imaging is playing a central role here.

Spanish experts from a leading facility have shared their experiences in this area, and to illustrate their points, they've provided three practical cases. Don't miss our article published today.

Have you ever wondered what's it like being a breast radiologist in sub-Saharan Africa? Dr. Lulu Sakafu from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, has outlined the range of challenges she faces on a day-to-day basis. Her insight is fascinating, and her team won an award at RSNA 2020 for their work.

Prof. Natalia Rotaru, PhD, a well-respected breast radiologist from Moldova, tragically died in late 2020 at the age of 57. She contracted COVID-19 while performing her clinical duties, and we've posted a tribute to her.

Meanwhile, Dutch researchers have developed a program to model how compression changes the distribution of fatty and fibroglandular tissue on digital breast tomosynthesis and digital mammography. The breast models in their study showed that fibroglandular breast tissue was distributed unevenly and, sometimes, not symmetrically during compression.

It's crucial for radiologists to know about the acute complications of endometriomas and to look out for characteristic T1-weighted fat-suppressed foci, according to French specialists in ob/gyn imaging. The researchers from CHU Montpellier have given some practical tips in this area, and in our news report, you can view some impressive clinical images from three cases.

The use of silicone for cosmetic purposes is growing fast, and it's important to take these procedures into account and learn to recognize the images they generate, Latin American radiologists say. MRI can help warn the surgeon about the level of tissue compromise, show the affected planes and the approximate amount of biopolymers injected, and demonstrate their areas in the case of material migration.

These articles make up just part of our Women's Imaging Community reporting. Be sure to check in regularly for current women's imaging news and research developments.

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