Women's Imaging Insider

Dear Women's Imaging Insider,

ECR 2014 may have come and gone but the research remains. In a story we're highlighting this week from the conference, the utility of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is discussed.

What happens when full-field digital mammography (FFDM) is paired with DBT? How does the combination compare with FFDM alone? And what about synthetic 2D images -- composite images that are produced from 3D acquisitions -- used with tomosynthesis? Find out.

Also in your Women's Imaging Digital Community, you can read about the latest edition of the BI-RADS atlas. It's been more than 10 years since the last update and this latest version comes with several changes. What are they and how will they affect the daily practice of radiologists? Read more.

It's common for people to try to forecast the future, and radiologists are no different. Italian researchers posit that multidisciplinary team meetings are the wave of the future. Considering the clinical and even the medicolegal climate, they think multidisciplinary team meetings will definitely become more commonplace, and probably of "crucial importance" in patient management. Discover what else they said.

Other news you won't want to miss:

  • Silicone breast implants made by Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) may have been recalled, but that doesn't mean these implants have vanished. A new Dutch study found that MRI has high accuracy in diagnosing rupture in silicone breast implants, and this is particularly useful as the need for surgery is determined.

  • Much controversy has surrounded the question of whether to include women younger than 50 in breast cancer screening programs. What hasn't been talked about is how some younger women ask to be screened, dubbed "opportunistic screening." In the Netherlands, this type of screening accounts for nearly a quarter of all referred mammograms. Read more.

  • In a surprising study, it was found that older does not mean wiser -- in the case of breast radiographers, researchers found that new radiographers performed better than experienced ones in terms of breast positioning.

This is only a small sampling of the stories you'll find in the Women's Imaging Digital Community. Be sure to check out the rest by scrolling below.

Until next time,

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