SNMMI congress hosts almost 8K delegates

2023 06 30 15 49 7690 2023 06 27 Ai Debate 20230627165137

The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) hosted nearly 8,000 physicians, technologists, pharmacists, laboratory professionals, and scientists at its 2023 annual meeting held in Chicago.

The meeting offered more than 130 continuing education and scientific sessions, featured almost 800 posters, and hosted 211 exhibitors.

Dr. Helen Nadel was elected as president for 2023-2024; Cathy Sue Cutler, PhD, was named president-elect; and Dr. Jean-Luc C. Urbain, PhD, was tapped to be vice president-elect.

The SNMMI Image of the Year showed a first-in-human evaluation of the novel theranostic pair Ga-68 DOTA-5G/Lu-177 DOTA-ABM-5G.

Next year's meeting will be held from 8 to 11 June at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Ontario, Canada, SNMMI said.

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