Molecular Imaging Insider

Dear Molecular Imaging Insider,

The benefits of PET/MRI are becoming more apparent as an increasing number of studies illustrate clinical applications for the hybrid modality.

At this year's annual meeting of the RSNA, German researchers, who are already very familiar with the efficacy of PET/MRI, presented a study on its ability to accurately stage tumors of the uterine cervix. They also investigated how it can serve as an alternative modality for a clinical workup prior to treatment.

Read more about the potential for PET/MRI in women's imaging in today's article.

The Netherlands also was well represented at RSNA 2016 as countrymen hosted a special session for delegates to tell them about its radiological and molecular imaging human and technical resources. Among the highlights was the ongoing Rotterdam Scan Study, which is designed to predict stroke and dementia based on population imaging.

In the spirit of international cooperation, France is extending its hand of friendship to Morocco. Dr. Moulay Rachid El Hassani, an influential figure in Moroccan radiology and neuroradiology, is reciprocating with a desire to collaborate with French radiologists. No doubt the mutually benefical accord will greatly advance molecular imaging. The details were discussed at the recent Journées Francophones de Radiologie congress in Paris.

In other top stories, the combination of an aging population and a stagnating supply of radiologists could leave some countries such as France and Sweden with a severe shortage of radiologists. How this trend will affect molecular imaging is to be determined.

Finally, try your skills against the case of an 89-year-old woman who presented with right knee pain. She was diagnosed with degenerative joint disease and pain during weight-bearing activities that continued after rest. Answer the questions below the images to see how you would handle this case.

Be sure to visit the Molecular Imaging Community on a daily basis to stay informed on the latest news and research from around the continent and the world.

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