United installs PET/CT scanner in Bologna

United Imaging Healthcare Europe has highlighted that the St. Orsola University Hospital in Bologna, Italy, is integrating the company's uMI Vista PET/CT system into the facility's medical oncology unit.

The uMI Vista digital PET-CT system is integrated with 24 cm-wide angular field of view, LYSO crystal technology of 2.76 x 2.76 mm with a combination of integrated-light-guide PET detector technology and 303 picosecond time-of-flight performance, according to the vendor.

Among other features of the system include a 160-slice CT system with a fastest rotation time of 0.3 seconds and isotropic resolution of 0.25 mm. It also has integration with AI deep-learning reconstruction in PET imaging. United said that the wider angular field of view and AI-based deep progressive learning in PET results in a whole-body fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET-CT scan in five minutes with high-resolution image quality and accuracy.

Policlinico S.Orsola has nine departments, including 87 operative units, and is the largest district general hospital in Italy. It has about 1,500 beds and 6,807 employees. Prof. Stefano Fanti is the director of the Nuclear Medicine Division and of the PET Unit and a full professor and director of the Specialty School of Nuclear Medicine at University of Bologna

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