Week in Review: The true resilience of Bernd Hamm | 10 commandments for imaging the elderly | Radiation dose

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Resilience tends to be an overused term these days, but this quality definitely applies to Prof. Dr. Bernd Hamm.

When he became professor of radiology at the Charité in Berlin in 1994, some observers doubted Hamm would last long in the job. He faced insurmountable political and operational problems, and the turf battles would prove too much for such an inexperienced radiologist, they said.

How he's proved the skeptics wrong. He turns 69 next week but remains as chair of the three merged departments of radiology at the Charité, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Freie Universität. In addition, Hamm's been president of two ECRs and of the European and German societies.

In an interview published ahead of his retirement, Hamm speaks about his love of politics. No doubt his political skills have contributed to his longevity. Also, the three photos in this article show Hamm to be a very real person with a sense of humor and a life outside of work. Those personal qualities have no doubt helped him cope with the ups and downs.

What are the golden rules for imaging the elderly? Dr. Johannes Gossner has addressed this important question in a guest editorial, and his analysis deserves a close look in our CT Community.

Digital mammography remains the gold standard for breast cancer screening and detection, but concern persists over the use of ionizing radiation in breast tissue. New research from Singapore may help to alleviate this anxiety. Find out more in the Women's Imaging Community.

Over a year has passed since the Tokyo Olympics, but researchers are still evaluating the imaging aspects of the Games. The latest study is about the value of MRI scans carried out before major events. Go to the MRI Community to learn more.

Dark-field chest x-ray continues to generate interest. This week's final top story is about how the technique was used in the management of an 83-year-old man who presented with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema.

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