European Radiology's popularity climbs

The influence of the European Society of Radiology's journal European Radiology continues to expand.

According to ISI Impact Factors, European Radiology achieved an increase in its impact factor to 4.338 in 2013, compared with 3.548 in 2012. The impact factor is calculated on the basis of citations in other scientific publications to help measure the scientific importance of a journal.

ISI Impact Factors is published annually in Thomson Reuters' Journal Citation Reports.

European Radiology's impact factor has been climbing rapidly since it was registered in 1998. After a steady rise over the past three years, it has now reached its highest number yet.

In addition, the journal has moved up further in rank from number 19 to 13 out of 121 radiological journals in the radiology, nuclear medicine, and molecular imaging section, and is again the top general radiological journal in Europe.

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