SoR creates special interest group for Indian radiographers

The U.K. Society of Radiographers (SoR) has launched a special interest group called the Professional Alliance of Indian Radiographers (PAIR).

The group will enable Indian radiographers in the U.K. to connect with other professionals, according to the SoR. The chair of its board of directors will be Rajesh Kesavan of Birmingham Women and Children's Hospital while its vice chair and finance director will be Partha Jyoti Das of Cleveland London Clinic. The chair of the women's wing will be Rukmani Bhudia of Barts Health NHS Trust.

"The launch of PAIR marks a significant step forward for the Indian Origin Radiographers working in the United Kingdom," Kesavan said in a statement released by the SoR. "By fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing, we can ensure radiographers have the tools and support they need to deliver the best possible care to their patients."

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