Buyer's Guide Vendor Signup -

The Buyer's Guide accelerates and streamlines the costly and time-consuming procurement process by harnessing the efficiency of the Internet. The Buyer's Guide enables professionals worldwide to quickly research important information to make informed purchasing decisions. Buyer's Guide

Buyers Guide - what is it?

AuntMinnie Buyer’s Guide - What is it?

The AuntMinnie Buyer’s Guide is a free, online tool that allows members to search for, find and compare products and services based on features that are important to them. With over 1,600 vendors and 4,400 products the AuntMinnie Buyer’s Guide has become a key resource that AuntMinnie members turn to when beginning the product buying process.

Sponsors Benefits:
• Extremely targeted exposure to self-qualified prospects searching for products or services related to your
• Ability to update your listings at any time to reflect product changes or updates.
• Options to add additional functionality for contacts or increase visibility.

Why should your company participate?
Simply put, when an AuntMinnie member visits the Buyer’s Guide, you want to be there when your customers are deciding about products and services. With approximately 30,000 views a month, the Buyer’s Guide is a heavily trafficked section of AuntMinnie. Courtesy listings in the AuntMinnie Buyer’s Guide are free so there is no reason not to participate.

As a vendor, you can add, edit and feature your product listings at any time. Your edits take effect immediately so it’s easy to change your listings as your products evolve. If you decide you want additional promotional features, you can upgrade to a Basic or Professional Buyer’s Guide package. Compare Buyer’s Guide listings now!

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Additional Information: Have questions or need help?
E-mail [email protected]

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