BreastCheck selects DetectedX to provide online educational services to radiologists

2022 06 13 16 41 6234 Business Webinar Virtual Education 400

BreastCheck, the National Breast Screening Programme in Ireland, has chosen DetectedX to provide radiologists with access to its on-demand web-based educational services. The online services are designed to improve radiologists’ ability to detect breast lesions, resulting in a 34% improvement in cancer detection, the vendor states.

DetectedX was established to aid doctors and radiologists diagnose breast cancer, lung cancer, and COVID-19 faster and more accurately. Its online on-demand educational platform aims to improve radiological detection and is used by more than 3,000 users across 150 countries.

The company's technology platform enables radiologists to review 2D and 3D mammography cases in real time. Radiologists can identify errors as the program uses metrics including sensitivity, specificity, true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative scores to gauge their performance, according to the vendor.

Following completion of each training module, users receive CME credits.

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