Healthcare Informatics Insider

Dear Healthcare Informatics Insider,

Hospital administrators are often seeking improvements in report turnaround time from their radiology department. The University Hospital Basel in Switzerland recently achieved this goal following the adoption of a pseudonymous feedback system for its residents and attendings.

After implementing the system, a majority of the institution's radiologists improved their median individual turnaround times, and total department median turnaround time also was significantly down. How did they do it? Click here for our coverage of the Swiss team's work.

In other featured articles this month in your Healthcare Informatics Digital Community, researchers from Western Australia recently concluded that patient radiation dose data extracted from RIS/PACS are far more reliable than self-reported patient dose surveys. Data from self-reported surveys differed both systematically and proportionally from the data stored in RIS/PACS. Click here to learn more about their results.

Korean researchers reported that on-call radiology residents could reliably use a smartphone to get after-hours advice from more experienced or specialized radiologists on challenging CT cases.

While providing patients with Web-based access to their radiology reports does yield benefits, it also can lead to some thorny issues. An Israeli hospital found recently that a discouraging number of patients did not return to their referring physician, despite having online access to their abnormal findings. Learn what else they found by clicking here.

If you have any tips or suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered in the Healthcare Informatics Digital Community, please feel free to drop me a line.

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