Dr. Oswald Graf[email protected]ConferenceBreast cancer screening in Austria: A new approach to early detectionVIENNA - With the exception of some local pilot projects, early breast cancer detection in Austria has depended upon opportunistic breast cancer screening in individual radiology practices. But in October, organized mammography screening will be introduced, utilizing the robust existing infrastructure of local radiology practices. Performing screening exams in locations all over the country should help achieve high rates of participation.March 6, 2013Page 1 of 1Top StoriesDigital X-RayDEXA receives major boost for osteoporosis screeningGreater emphasis looks set to be put on the use of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) for osteoporosis screening.MRIML model using CCTA, MRI data predicts MACE in cardiac patientsClinical NewsPatient death prompts RCR to act on gastric bandsMRIGenetic testing, risk assessment tied to more breast MRI uptakeMolecular ImagingPET scans can reduce unnecessary lymph node procedures