SERAM, SERVEI issue statement on ultrasound training

The Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) and La Sociedad Española de Radiología Vascular e Intervencionista (SERVEI) have released a joint statement about ultrasound training.

The two organizations wrote that while ultrasound exams can be performed by physicians from different medical specialties, they should have properly trained observers whose findings should also be recorded.

The societies also stated that ultrasound must be carried out by professionals with the appropriate skills. For example, in image-guided diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, interventional radiologists are the ones trained and qualified to carry them out.

Finally, the statement reads that the performance of ultrasound exams is not contemplated in the training programs of family and community medicine or internal medicine.

SERAM and SERVEI cautioned that the current model of performing ultrasound exams without control by professionals with accredited competence poses a risk of diagnostic delay, diagnostic errors and of care management, and professional intrusion.

The full statement can be found here.

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