Quibim launches QP-Liver

Quibim has launched QP-Liver, software that improves diagnosis of diffuse liver diseases through quantification of tissue fat and iron from MRI scans.

QP-Liver is cleared for use in the European Union and U.K. through the CE and UKCA marks. It incorporates Quibim’s AI models to provide automated liver segmentation, and correlates fat and iron quantification with reference digital pathology data, allowing researchers and clinicians to leverage personalized liver disease management.

The platform also features a postprocessing tool for fat and iron quantification that performs automatic analyses of abdominal MRI exams containing multi-echo chemical shift (MECSE) sequences that can detect and quantify fat content. From there, it can generate parametric maps of fat and iron. This allows QP-Liver to provide steatosis and iron overload evaluation information, and researchers to correlate quantification with reference digital pathology data.

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