Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

With summer coming on, it's worth noting that trampoline injuries generally peak between May and August. Given the increasing popularity of this activity, you may need to think about preparing yourself for a possible influx of cases.

Two Norwegian researchers have studied the 273 patients referred to the radiology department at Drammen Hospital between 2008 and 2010 after trampoline accidents, using mostly conventional radiography. Their findings are very revealing, and they have also scrutinized injuries due to sledging accidents. To find out more, visit our Digital X-Ray Community, or click here.

Digital chest tomosynthesis continues to attract plenty of interest, and because the technique enables lung cancer screening of high-risk individuals at a lower cost than CT, Italian researchers believe it could eventually become a "mammogram for the lungs." They presented their evidence in mid-April at the European Lung Cancer Conference in Geneva. Get the story here.

At least two patients may have died due to a backlog in the interpretation of x-ray studies at several hospitals in Northern Ireland, stated a report issued last week by regional health authorities. A report on the situation lays at least some of the blame on the adoption of digital x-ray. Click here for the details.

Our two most recent history columns have focused on the early days of x-ray. Otha Linton, executive director of the International Society of Radiology, discussed radiology's first martyrs, and you can click here for his article.

In his column Dr. Adrian Thomas, chairman of the International Society for the History of Radiology and honorary librarian at the British Institute of Radiology, explained why he thinks now's the time to celebrate Max von Laue's work of 100 years ago that led to a deeper understanding of the structure of our world. To learn more, click here.

We look forward to bringing you further news from the world of digital x-ray over the coming weeks and months. Please contact me with any article ideas or if you wish to submit any material.

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