Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

The rapid growth of digital x-ray is leading to the development of many new technologies for imaging patients. In this edition of the Insider, we present a recent clinical study in which a novel 2D/3D digital radiography (DR) system was used to scan pediatric patients.

Researchers found that the unit compared favorably to 3D CT studies, but at a fraction of the dose -- an important consideration in pediatric exams. Learn more by clicking here.

In other news in digital x-ray, we profile the work of German researchers who developed a 3D x-ray system that moves around an operating table. The prototype system, which is being presented at the Medica trade show this week, is designed to provide imaging guidance during surgery without interruption. Learn more by clicking here.

China has fascinated the rest of the world for ages, and that's no exception today as this dynamic country seeks to modernize the quality of its healthcare system. One of the country's leading lights in radiology, Dr. Jian-Ping Dai, was recently in Paris at the annual congress of the French Radiology Society (SFR), les Journées Françaises de Radiologie (JFR). Learn more about Dr. Dai's perspectives on China's growth potential in radiology by clicking here.

Other recent articles in the Digital X-Ray Community include:

  • A recent presentation at the JFR meeting on the development of software to track radiation dose from multiple imaging modalities
  • A study that indicates that gonad shielding may not be necessary for children if low-dose DR is used

Lastly, find out which history-making radiology researcher was recently featured on the home page of search engine giant Google.

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