Week in Review: How to protect radiographers from COVID-19 | Lung CT finding predicts outcomes | U.K. staffing crisis deepens

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Radiographers have found themselves on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The potential risks they face were underlined by the announcement this week of the death of Simon Guest, a U.K. radiographer.

Every radiology department needs to develop and implement a strategy to keep radiographers safe, according to new advice from China. The authors have five practical tips to consider. Go to the CT Community. Also, look out for next week's article featuring exclusive interviews with several European radiographers about how to minimize transmission of the virus.

Novel research findings continue to emerge about the optimum use of CT in COVID-19 cases. Italian investigators have found that quantification of the well-aerated lung at baseline chest CT can help predict prognosis in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. They published their results online on 17 April in Radiology.

The annual U.K. radiology workforce report is always a mine of useful information, and this year's document is no exception. Although it was completed just before the pandemic took root, the analysis deserves a close look. Visit the Women's Imaging Community.

Danish researchers have been busy too. In a retrospective evaluation of nearly 2,000 subjects from the Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial, a team from Copenhagen compared the performance of texture analysis with densitometry for quantifying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. What did they find? Head across to the Advanced Visualization Community.

We also have two important stories from France. The first is about a series of recommendations for pediatric thoracic imaging in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The second concerns the growing pressure on the government to pay volunteer private practitioners for COVID-19-related shifts.

Finally, almost 4,000 radiology professionals have now signed up for the 2020 Virtual Conference of our sister site AuntMinnie.com, to be held on 30 April and 1 May. It's not too late to sign up for free -- reserve your space today.

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