Week in Review: ECR 2020 to be online-only | 6 top imaging tips on how to beat COVID-19 | AuntMinnie's 2020 Virtual Conference

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The European Society of Radiology announced yesterday that ECR 2020 will be online-only, not onsite in Vienna. This is a real blow to the global imaging community.

Everybody had hoped the congress season would get back on track in the second half of 2020, but it's going to take some time before people feel confident enough to travel to meetings. Doubts must exist about the French national radiology congress, JFR, and the RSNA annual meeting.

Heated discussion has taken place over recent weeks about the exact role of imaging in suspected cases of COVID-19. How and when should CT, ultrasound, and x-ray be used? How can transmission of the virus be avoided? And how about workflow and throughput?

Now Prof. Antoine Khalil has provided some much-needed clarity. He gave 6 practical tips in a recent webinar. Go to the CT Community.

Dr. Carlo Amodio died of COVID-19 earlier this week. At 71, he was still a hardworking, respected radiologist who served his community in Central Italy. Past ESR President Prof. Lorenzo Derchi remembers meeting him in the mid-1970s, when they did their ultrasound training together as young radiologists. Don't miss our tribute to Dr. Amodio, and please post your personal message in the Forums section.

Meanwhile, the European Journal of Radiology has published a new study showing that chest CT findings differ by age in patients with COVID-19. This may help clinicians in developing personalized treatments for those with the disease.

On a happier note, the winner of the Best New Radiology Vendor award in the 2020 EuroMinnies has received the trophy, and we've got an interview with Prof. Dr. Wieland Sommer from Smart Reporting.

Finally, I'd like to let you know our sister site AuntMinnie.com is staging a 2020 Virtual Conference on 30 April and 1 May. The event will take place online and will feature six prestigious speakers addressing some of the hottest topics in radiology. It will also have a virtual trade show, where you can meet and interact with vendors and other conference attendees. More than 1,300 radiology professionals have already registered for the 2020 Virtual Conference -- reserve your space today.

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