CT Insider

Dear CT Insider,

One of the prime goals for everybody involved in CT must be to reduce patient radiation dose, while at the same time maintaining the diagnostic value of an examination. This is not a new or revolutionary concept, of course, but it remains an everyday objective for imaging professionals.

Radiologists from Malta are convinced they've achieved an element of success in this area by developing new protocols for scanning the head, abdomen, and thorax. To get the story, click here.

Repeated and multiple CT examinations in a small group of patients represent a serious challenge for radiation protection specialists, but one leading international expert, Dr. Madan Rehani, is concerned that this issue has not been addressed adequately in the new European directive. For the inside track on the latest legislation from Brussels, click here.

CT colonography (CTC) continues to generate considerable interest. A new multicenter study from a respected group in the U.K. has found that the use of computer-aided detection significantly alters the search and identification of polyps among CTC readers. To learn how, click here.

CT pioneer Dr. Adrian Dixon received honorary membership of the German Radiological Society at the recent national congress, the DRK in Hamburg. To mark the occasion, he spoke frankly about what attracted him to radiology and the changes he has seen during his career. Get the details here.

A key session at DRK 2015 focused on how cloud-based solutions allow for effective analysis and comparison of radiation dose in CT exams across multiple sites, thus helping to ensure patient safety. Click here to find out more.

This letter provides a summary of only a small selection of the wide range of articles posted over the past few weeks in your CT Community. For the full list, please see below.

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