U.K. issues ultrasound standards; Maverinck on backlogs; stabbing injuries & imaging

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

It's well known that ultrasound is probably the most operator-dependent imaging modality, so publication of new U.K. standards is bound to generate considerable interest. The document is pretty extensive and not exactly a light read, but this is a serious topic that really needed to be addressed, given the volume of sonography examinations being performed by nonradiologists.

The section on image management and archiving is particularly topical. Read more in our PACS Community, or click here.

Details have emerged about huge backlogs of unread images in Germany, the U.K., and the Republic of Ireland, and this is an ongoing issue facing all radiology departments today. The Maverinck addresses this subject in his first column of 2015. Get the details here.

Knife crime is a growing problem in developed societies, but the good news for the victims is that imaging can help out in a lot of cases and improve patient management and outcome. Researchers from a leading U.K. trauma unit have shared their experiences of stabbing injuries. Go to our CT Community, or click here.

The amazing work of Andreas Vesalius is still worthy of close scrutiny today, more than 500 years since his birth. The anatomist's meticulous dissection and acute observational powers enabled him to make many new discoveries. Learn more in our latest history column.

To start the new year, our editorial adviser, Dr. Rossano Girometti, and his colleagues have provided a case report about a 43-year-old pregnant woman with abnormal placentation. Click here for more details and to access the case archives.

Finally, if you missed our list of top 10 articles for 2014, revealed last week, then you can catch up here.

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