Think more about errors; Matisse & research; 3D aids facial reconstructions

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Radiologists often tend to follow their intuition, but this approach can carry substantial risks and produce errors. To help avoid mistakes, award-winning researchers from the Netherlands strongly recommend taking a fresh look at reporting procedures and practices, and they have a list of 20 practical tips for you to consider. Click here to find out more.

Artist Henri Matisse was famous for his incredible drive and creativity, but are these really the most important qualities when it comes to conducting radiology research? Dr. Anagha Parkar investigates in her guest column. To read more, go to our Cardiac Imaging Digital Community, or click here.

Rapid progress is being made in facial reconstructive surgery, and 3D techniques are assisting here. To read about a success story from the U.K., visit the Advanced Visualization Digital Community, or click here.

An intriguing project is underway in Barcelona, Spain. Radiologists there have been testing the American College of Radiology (ACR) Select clinical decision-support software, which the European Society of Radiology is looking to adapt for the European market in collaboration with the ACR. Learn more in our Healthcare Informatics Digital Community, or click here.

Meanwhile, a new Norwegian study shows that screening for breast cancer with digital rather than film-screen mammography lowers recall and biopsy rates, suggesting that the technology causes less "harm" to women and the healthcare system in the form of overdiagnosis or unnecessary biopsies. Get the story here.

It's been three years since the launch of, and to mark this anniversary, I would like to inform you about two new members of the Editorial Advisory Board: Dr. Jan M.L. Bosmans, PhD, from Ghent University Hospital in Belgium, and Dr. Catherine Mandel, from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, Australia. To read about our new additions, click here.

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