Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,
A second opinion within six hours for 160 euros for all radiological images: that's the bold promise of a Dutch website,, set up by two ex-bankers.
The growth of services like this appears unstoppable because increasingly patients have access to their healthcare information and are taking control of their health. The really controversial aspect, however, is that the website is sending images to India for interpretation. This raises important ethical and legal issues, and an intense debate has started in the Netherlands. Go to our PACS Digital Community, or click here to read more.
Dr. Neelam Dugar's regular column has proved very popular over the past year or so, and you shouldn't miss her latest offering about how to improve ultrasound reports. She lists eight golden rules for you to consider. Visit our Healthcare Informatics Digital Community, or get the story here.
The Olympics begin on 27 July, and as part of our countdown to the games, we've interviewed Finn Crotty, GE Healthcare's project manager for the polyclinic at the Olympic Village in London. Click here to read more.
Growing numbers of medical doctors are acting as expert witnesses. If you prepare well, this prospect doesn't need to fill you with dread. For the advice of Dr. Stephen Davies, president of the British Institute of Radiology, click here.
Dr. Giuseppe VadalĂ from Milan is the proud new owner of an Apple iPad after he won the tablet in our prize draw for European Society of Radiology members who signed up for a new subscription. Our congratulations go to Giuseppe. Click here for more details.
Finally, as some readers will have noticed, our Case of the Week section now has a subspecialty archive, and this should help your search for relevant cases. To access it, click here, or go to the Education drop-down menu at the top of our home page and click on the second item, called Archives by Category.