Brain drain revisited; breast CAD advances; MRI of Crohn's disease

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Brain drain in Central and Eastern Europe seems to be gathering pace, if the situation in Hungary is anything to go by. For several years, Hungary has lost radiologists to Scandinavia, Germany, the U.K, and the Republic of Ireland, and this has had a major impact on the nation's healthcare system.

Dr. Gábor Forrai, PhD, a highly respected radiologist from Budapest, believes things are getting even worse. Our Hungarian-based correspondent, Robin Marshall, has investigated this problem, and you can read his article by clicking here.

Meanwhile, German researchers have developed a decision-support tool that provides estimates of whether a lesion is benign or malignant, based on subjective descriptions of lesion characteristics on breast MRI. The new method is proving surprisingly reliable, according to a study presented at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR), and it may facilitate lesion differentiation in clinical practice. To get the story, go to our Women's Imaging Digital Community, or click here.

MR enterography costs more to perform than CT enterography, but it eliminates CT's radiation dose and is noninvasive and accurate. This all means the techinique is developing a growing role in the detection of Crohn's disease. To read more,visit our MRI Digital Community, or alternatively click here.

When it comes to prostate imaging, the Dutch are among the world leaders, and Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre is widely regarded as a center of excellence in this field. For the latest round-up of new developments in Nijmegen, visit our Advanced Visualization Digital Community, or click here.

Case reports are an increasingly popular educational tool and a useful way to brush up on your knowledge. This week's report features a 35-year-old woman who presented with a painful lump in the left anterior abdominal wall. Go to our Case of the Week page, and catch up on our recent interactive cases.

Finally, we've reorganized our archive of translated news stories and cases. If you want to read in French, Italian, and Spanish, just click on the relevant flag at the top of our home page.

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