Radiology & eating disorders; chest tomosynthesis; quality control in cardiac

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Anybody who's known a person with anorexia or bulimia will be aware of how horrendous these illnesses can be, not only for the individuals themselves, but also for their families and friends. In addition to the mental torment, the long-term physical implications are often complex and very difficult to determine.

It reflects very positively on the global radiology community that a high-level discussion of this sensitive area took place at the recent RSNA meeting in Chicago. The congress organizers awarded a Magna Cum Laude to a group from a leading U.K. center for their poster about eating disorders, and this looks certain to lead to more studies of this important area. Click here for the article.

Another hot topic at RSNA 2011 was the clinical applications of chest tomosynthesis with a digital radiography system, and the Italians and Swedes led the way. Make sure you don't miss this week's two news reports on their latest findings. To read more, visit our Digital X-Ray Community, and check back on Friday for another article about chest tomo.

Budapest was the venue for last week's Euroecho conference, and the importance of quality control was a central theme. Attention to quality assurance can make a real difference to the information provided to the clinicians, according to one eminent speaker. Get the story here.

Regular visitors to our Advanced Visualization Digital Community will already be aware that this is an exciting time for AV, and consensus appears to be growing that the Apple iPad represents the present, not the future, for tablet computers. Also, it may not be too long before radiologists are looking at DICOM images on their TV or wristwatch. Find out more here.

Finally, one RSNA speaker made a truly passionate plea for radiologists to communicate their findings better. Radiologists have a duty to patients to conform to methods to let clinicians know what they have found, she advised. Click here to learn more.

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