CT justification initiative gathers pace in Europe

2016 08 30 09 29 44 134 Radiation Symbol Circle 400

A European CT justification project, EU-JUST-CT, discussed its latest findings and analysis during a workshop held in Luxembourg from 28 to 29 September. The project is funded by the European Commission and guided by the European Society of Radiology (ESR).

The workshop's purpose was to share results of audits of CT justification in seven European countries, for which the ESR iGuide clinical decision support served as the reference standard. The meeting also featured discussion on a guidance document to improve justification of CT exams in radiology departments, the ESR said.

Attendees included members of national radiology societies, protection authorities, and health authorities, as well as health professionals and patient representatives from various European Union member states.

"The hope is that the results will inspire other member states to carry out audits on their CT justification using the methodology employed within the EU-JUST-CT project," the ESR said.

For further details, go to the ESR press release. Also, a common methodology for auditing justification of CT examinations is available for free on the EU-JUST-CT website.

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