SFR puts renewed emphasis on ethics and imaging

2019 09 24 18 58 1091 Adamsbaum Best Portrait 20190924182306

The French Society of Radiology (SFR) and partner Collège des Enseignant de Radiologie de France (CERF) have established an "ethical reflection group." The nine-member group is being led by Prof. Catherine Adamsbaum of the Bicêtre Hospital in Paris.

The two organizations have developed a radiology consultation charter that lists best practices for interacting with patients in the imaging suite.

"A day is scheduled for 18 January 2023 in Paris on the theme 'Ethics and Imaging,' and the precise program and location of which will be communicated to you very soon," noted Adamsbaum. "We would be interested in knowing your ethical expectations and needs. We live in a time particularly rich in questions and we are waiting for your questions, problems, and ideas."

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