Spanish radiology strives to build closer links with France and Italy

2022 10 18 15 10 2349 2022 10 18 Torregrosa Jfr 400

PARIS - Forging closer links with France and Italy is a top priority for the newly elected president of the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM), Prof. Asunción Torregrosa from Valencia.

Under her leadership, SERAM will increase its cooperation with the French Society of Radiology (SFR) and the Italian Society of Radiology, she told correspondent Mélisande Rouger.

"France and Italy are very similar countries to Spain. We're Mediterranean, we have a similar way of life, and our way of teaching and learning radiology is similar," she said, insisting on how a closer union would make the three countries stronger.

Torregrosa received the Medal of Honor from SFR at the JFR 2022 congress in Paris. "I'm very honored, very proud," she added. "This medal is for all radiologists in Spain, it's a national medal."

SERAM also plans to join forces with SFR at RSNA 2022 and ECR 2023 and to increase the exchange of speakers and teachers at their annual meetings next year.

In addition, Torregrosa intends to meet with the InterAmerican College of Radiology at RSNA 2022 to sign a memorandum of understanding that would facilitate collaboration on projects, such as the migration of Spanish and Latin American radiologists. Increasing the visibility of radiology to the general public and health institutions is another of her priorities, and SERAM is working on events aimed at patients and involving institutions and the media.

As head of the abdominal imaging department at La Fe Hospital in Valencia, Torregrosa is working on many projects, including prostate cancer with the constitution of a wide international imaging bank, as well as research tackling structured reporting and artificial intelligence.

Prof. Asunción Torregrosa talked about her goals and hopes for the future during the recent French national radiology congress, JFR.
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