RCR unveils guidance on "duty of candour" for radiologists

2021 08 09 18 08 1120 Rcr Logo 400

The U.K. Royal College of Radiologists' (RCR) Faculty of Clinical Radiology has released a 30-page document that underscores the importance of professional directness and honesty in radiology.

"Every healthcare professional must be open and honest with patients when something that goes wrong with their treatment or care causes, or has the potential to cause, harm or distress," wrote RCR Vice President Dr. William Ramsden in a foreword to the document. "They must also be open and honest with their colleagues, employers, and relevant organizations, taking part in reviews when required. This is our professional duty of candour."

Although it's not possible for the RCR to offer guidance for every situation, it hopes the report will offer an integrated approach.

"Patients and their families expect openness and honesty from healthcare providers," the authors wrote. "It is no longer considered acceptable for doctors to keep information from patients that patients themselves might consider important. It is incumbent on the radiology community to ensure that future relationships with patients and their families are built on trust and mutual understanding."

The document was cowritten by Prof. Mark Callaway, Dr. Giles Maskell, Dr. Christopher Hammond, Dr. Robin Evans, and Mr. Carl Flint. You can download it free-of-charge via the RCR website.

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