ESR issues 4 new training recommendations

2020 05 13 17 42 3163 Medical Students 400

In response to the findings of its 2020 training and education survey posted earlier this month by Insights into Imaging, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) has released four core pledges for the future:

  1. To support clinical and subspecialty training and maintenance of competencies through its educational and accreditation activities, through subspecialty member Societies, European School of Radiology (ESOR), European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR), and other ESR-endorsed subspecialty diplomas.
  2. To develop patient communications strategy with recommendations for enhancing patient communications training as part of ESOR/ESR courses, meeting the needs of patients with resources for patient information prior to imaging investigations, and reflecting on future ways of providing results, through partnership with the ESR Patient Advisory Group (ESR-PAG) and National Societies Committee, and developing a framework for transparent communication and learning from errors and discrepancies.
  3. To develop recommendations and guidance to support best practice in multidisciplinary teamwork, to enable the integration of clinical and imaging information for the benefit of patient care, while being mindful of pressures on limited radiology resources.
  4. To harness the enthusiasm of radiologists by continuing to support and highlight radiology-led teaching and research opportunities through the scientific committees, meetings, and publications of the ESR.

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