European group seeks to create quality 3D-printed PPE

2018 03 07 18 42 2770 3 D Printing 400

A group of European organizations has banded together to design high-quality 3D-printed personal protective equipment (PPE) that meet standards set by the European Union, according to a 3D Printing Media Network news story.

The organizations behind the project include healthcare and 3D printing firms from around Europe, including the University of Barcelona, EIT Health, and BCN3D Technologies, a manufacturer of desktop 3D printers. The firms have called the new COVID-19 rapid response innovation project CAR3D.

CAR3D will focus on designing, developing, and validating reusable face masks that comply with EU specifications, according to 3D Printing Media Network. The group also intends to design face shields.

The organization was created in response to a lack of consistency in 3D-printed PPE following a surge in 3D-printed gear during the pandemic. CAR3D does not intend to seek a patent for the masks or face shields, so manufacturers throughout Europe can use the designs to produce high-quality PPE.

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