U.K. urgently needs 4K new radiographers, SCoR asserts

2016 09 14 10 18 39 979 Uk Flag 400

The Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR) has strongly urged the U.K. government to budget for more than 4,000 new radiography staff positions, according to a press release issued on 25 September.

SCoR also encourages U.K. officials to provide ongoing financial support for the National Health Service (NHS) as it works to mitigate the effect of COVID-19 and propose new service models in need of funding, such as community-based diagnostic services and expert networks between hospitals.

Overall, SCoR demands an increase in the headcount across all levels of the clinical therapeutic radiography workforce. Current vacancy rates are 7% in England, 10% in Northern Ireland, 3% in Scotland, and 10% in Wales, according to the group.

However, the society isn't alone in requesting an increase in spending during the current review -- the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) is also preparing submissions urging the Treasury to spend more on hospital staff, equipment, and technology in order to protect patients. Doing so would combat the fundamental obstacles that slow down care for imaging and cancer patients, the groups believe.

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