U.K. to resume IR(ME)R inspections

2016 08 30 09 29 44 134 Radiation Symbol Circle 400

The U.K. has announced that quality care agencies in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales will resume Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R) inspections.

England's Care Quality Commission, Northern Ireland's Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, and Healthcare Improvement Scotland announced the resumption of inspections in an August update to their previously published "COVID-19: response from IR(ME)R inspectorates" letter.

In the update, the agencies stated that, "We will be resuming inspection activity according to the risk of the service."

The inspections may include onsite visits or the use of video conferencing, self-assessments, or other tools to remotely gather and assess safety evidence. Inspections will only be conducted after appropriate risk assessment, the agencies noted.

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