ESOR to accept visiting scholarship applications

The European School of Radiology (ESOR) will begin accepting applications for its visiting scholarship program on 25 February. The deadline for submission is 11 March.

The scholarships are offered in partnership with contrast developer Bracco Imaging and the European Society of Radiology (ESR), and as many as 36 scholarships are available this year on different topics. In addition, one scholarship for Spanish residents is available through the Spanish Foundation of Radiology, three scholarships for Greek residents from the Hellenic Radiological Society, and two scholarships for residents from Georgia within the ESR Support Initiative.

The three-month program is designed to give would-be radiologists an opportunity to experience another training environment and perhaps develop an interest in a particular subspecialty.

To qualify, residents must be in their third, fourth, or fifth year of training and must have completed a training curriculum from at least the first two years of residency. Applicants should have competence in producing a radiological report and communicating with clinicians and patients, as well as knowledge of the principles of administration and management applied to a clinical department with multidisciplinary staff and high-cost equipment.

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