DRG marks Röntgen's 170th birthday

2015 03 31 09 17 42 323 2015 03 31 Roentgen Image

The German Radiological Society (DRG) is celebrating Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen's 170th birthday on its website. The society has posted a gif singing happy birthday to its namesake.

A screenshot of the DRG's gif.A screenshot of the DRG's gif.

Röntgen, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901, was born on March 27, 1845, at Lennep in the Lower Rhine Province of Germany. He was the only child of a merchant and manufacturer of cloth. His mother was Charlotte Constanze Frowein of Amsterdam. When he was 3, his family moved to Apeldoorn in the Netherlands, where he went to the Institute of Martinus Herman van Doorn, a boarding school.

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