ECR 2011 draws to a close

Dear Member,

The European Congress of Radiology (ECR) drew to a close Monday. As usual, it was well-organized, and attendance seemed to hold up well -- in spite of the harsh economic environment. The congress had a really positive feel and buzz about it, and most delegates we spoke with in Vienna found it a productive and enjoyable event.

The opening ceremony was a particular highlight. The dedications for the honorary members and gold medalists were professionally choreographed, with the six recipients sitting on the stage in white leather armchairs as classical music themed around their hometowns was played by the Vienna Chamber Orchestra. It was more reminiscent of the Oscars than a scientific congress, but it worked.

If you missed the ceremony, have a listen to the three video clips in the photo gallery in our RADCast @ ECR from concerts given in the main registration area by top Brazilian and Iranian musicians. Brazil and Iran were the host countries at ECR 2011, along with France.

You can also read about key scientific sessions and industry news from ECR in the RADCast. Among the highlights are articles about reimbursement of CT colonography, medicolegal claims from mammography screening, how to improve radiological reporting, turf battles in interventional radiology, and learning from mistakes and minimizing further errors.

I hope you get as much pleasure reading our coverage as we did writing the material. And watch out for further ECR coverage during the next few days.

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